Play is a child's first language and toys are how they communicate. When you connect to your child in a playful way, it strengthens your relationships, builds empathy, and reduces stress for the whole family.
For more great videos from the Association for Play Therapy, visit:
"Welcome to my playroom. Here, you can play in many of the ways that you'd like." This is the first thing that a child hears when entering a playroom. This simple invitation lets the child know that this space is special. It is a place where they are in control and this is where the magic begins.
Play is a child’s first and most natural f
"Welcome to my playroom. Here, you can play in many of the ways that you'd like." This is the first thing that a child hears when entering a playroom. This simple invitation lets the child know that this space is special. It is a place where they are in control and this is where the magic begins.
Play is a child’s first and most natural form of expression. As they grow and develop, it is often easier for children to pair toys with words to express their thoughts and feelings, especially when it's difficult or painful to do so with words. Play Therapy is a developmentally appropriate way of building a relationship with a young person by communicating in the language they know best. So, in a way, Play Therapy for children and adolescents is like talk therapy for adults!
Play Therapy is more than just an outlet for a child's thoughts and feelings. The reciprocal relationship that forms between a young person and their Play Therapist helps children develop coping skills, resiliency, and mastery. Children who experience the following may benefit from Play Therapy:
· Learning difficulties
· Worry and anxiety
Play Therapy is more than just an outlet for a child's thoughts and feelings. The reciprocal relationship that forms between a young person and their Play Therapist helps children develop coping skills, resiliency, and mastery. Children who experience the following may benefit from Play Therapy:
· Learning difficulties
· Worry and anxiety
· Defiance
· Hyperactivity and impulsivity
· Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disorders
· Sadness
· Aggression
· Psychosomatic complaints (like tummy and headaches)
· Social skills
· Grief/loss
· Coping with divorce
Over time, the combination of a safe expressive space and a nurturing therapeutic relationship allows children to grow and develop in a variety of ways. A child "hard at work" in Play Therapy is actually developing the following strengths:
· Learning how to control behavior
· Expressing needs and ideas in a constructive way
· Making healthy
Over time, the combination of a safe expressive space and a nurturing therapeutic relationship allows children to grow and develop in a variety of ways. A child "hard at work" in Play Therapy is actually developing the following strengths:
· Learning how to control behavior
· Expressing needs and ideas in a constructive way
· Making healthy decisions/choices
· Accepting appropriate responsibility
· Fostering and developing empathy
· Enhancing focus and attention
· Employing social kills
· Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries
Studies have shown that the powerful relationship that develops between a child and a Play Therapist can have a lasting impact on a child's brain development. Play Therapy helps nurture and develop a child’s brain by creating and reinforcing pathways that can strengthen:
· Self-regulation
· Self-concept and esteem building
· Development of s
Studies have shown that the powerful relationship that develops between a child and a Play Therapist can have a lasting impact on a child's brain development. Play Therapy helps nurture and develop a child’s brain by creating and reinforcing pathways that can strengthen:
· Self-regulation
· Self-concept and esteem building
· Development of self-control
· Development of self-responsibility
· Mastery and cognitive development
· Development of empathy and social skills
· Development of constructive self-expression
While playing with your child at home is certainly therapeutic and beneficial for everyone, Play Therapy is very different from the play that your child enjoys at home. The playroom is carefully curated to provide all of the tools that children need to express themselves. Play Therapy uses your child’s natural tendency to “play out” their
While playing with your child at home is certainly therapeutic and beneficial for everyone, Play Therapy is very different from the play that your child enjoys at home. The playroom is carefully curated to provide all of the tools that children need to express themselves. Play Therapy uses your child’s natural tendency to “play out” their thoughts, feelings, and life situations and gain a sense of control or mastery over difficult feelings or situations.
If you're interested in learning how to maximize the benefits of your child's play at home, ask your Play Therapist about Child and Parent Relationship Therapy!
Every child is unique and it really depends on the situation. Your child’s Play Therapist will create a treatment plan and will be regularly assessing for progress, keeping you in the loop along the way. Some children may come a few times, others a few months, and some for a year or more.
Research indicates that involving family members in
Every child is unique and it really depends on the situation. Your child’s Play Therapist will create a treatment plan and will be regularly assessing for progress, keeping you in the loop along the way. Some children may come a few times, others a few months, and some for a year or more.
Research indicates that involving family members in the process of counseling can help decrease the time a child is in treatment. Your child’s Play Therapist will be in touch with you to discuss your child’s progress both in the playroom and at home/school. Your involvement and willingness to explore new tools and ways of responding to your child at home will only enhance the therapeutic process!
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